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[TCT2009]Robert O. Bonow教授谈TAVI手术

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/25 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:TCT2009 Bonow 

 International Circulation: We’re here with Dr. Bonow at TCT-09. Dr. Bonow, will you please share with us the current development of transcatheter aortic valve implantation, also known as TAVI?
国际循环:我们现在在09年TCT会议上采访Dr Bonow。Dr Bonow请您与我们分享一下目前经导管主动脉瓣植入的经验,也就是我们所说的TAVI?

Prof. Robert O. Bonow: Well, this is a very exciting development where we have the opportunity now to not only intervene on patients who are not candidates for surgery but to implant a prosthetic heart valve percutaneously  or through minimally invasive surgical trans-apical approaches.  This is now very exciting because we are talking about intervening on patients who are otherwise inoperable.
So, we are taking the highest risk patients with both a team of surgeons and a team of cardiologists mutually agree are to high risk for surgery and offering them an opportunity a percutaneous or minimally invasive trans-apical valve replacement. 

Prof. Robert O. Bonow: 这是一个非常激动人心的进步,我们现在不仅能够对没有外科适应症的病人进行手术治疗,而且可以经皮植入人工心脏瓣膜,或者通过经心尖微创手术治疗。这的确是令人非常兴奋的,因为我们所谈论的是对无法手术的患者进行介入治疗。 因此,我们会为高风险的患者组建一个外科小组和心脏科小组互相帮助,为患者提供经皮或外科微创经心尖瓣膜置换术。

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