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[ESC2010]Arnaud Perrier ESC 2010 Interview

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/13 11:25:05    加入收藏
 关键字:Arnaud Perrier   静脉血栓栓塞 危险分层  抗凝治疗 

    <International Circulation>: There is a growing awareness of the issue of venous thromboembolism and clinicians would like to know how to use anticoagulant therapy properly. How can we use anticoagulant therapy to prevent venous thrombolism?


    Prof. Perrier: There is a huge amount of literature on this subject and there are two categories of patients that you must distinguish. The first category of patients is surgical patients. The guidelines for surgical patients are extremely straightforward. Of course, one of the references in the field remains the guidelines of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), which were updated in 2008. There is a vast array of techniques and anticoagulants that can be used and patients are mostly correctly identified even though there is some evidence that there could be some under-prescription even in surgical patients. However, the most important problem right now is probably medical patients because there is a vast amount of evidence that they are under-treated by prophylactic anticoagulants. Also, we lack a very efficient, simple, and validated clinical score that allows us to classify patients in adequate risk categories and so that is a remaining problem. Certainly, older patients, obese patients, immobilized patients, infected patients, patients with cardio-respiratory insufficiency, and indisputably patients with cancer, should have thromboprophylaxis while in the hospital.


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